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Richard Hatch (Captain Apollo from the original Battlestar Galactica series) has NEW Updates and
brand new look to his web site. Go there now to learn more!
(http://www.richardhatch.com ).
Recent News
Sci-Fi Wire Article - Richard Hatches Galactica Plan - 7/24/01.
Jack "Bojay" Stauffer's Latest Update (07/12/01).
CINESCAPE EXCLUSIVE - GALACTICA�s second coming (07/02/01).
Dark Horizons -
Battlestar Galactica on FOX (07/02/01).
Hollywood.com - "Galactica" pilot taking flight (07/01/01).
Chud - Fox 'Battlestar Galactica' Pilot (06/30/01).
Coming Soon - Fox Orders 2 Hour 'Battlestar Galactica' Pilot (06/29/01).
Hollywood Reporter - New 'Galactica' series piloted by Studios USA (06/29/01).
Cinescape - More GALACTICA news: Singer directing pilot (06/29/01).
Sci-Fi Wire - Fox Orders Galactica Telefilm (06/29/01).
Zap2It - 'Battlestar Galactica'
Lands at FOX (06/29/01).
Coming Soon - Revived Characters in 'Battlestar Galactica' (06/28/01).
Cinescape - New BATTLESTAR GALACTICA taps old characters? (06/28/01).
Sci-Fi Wire Article about Original Characters - 6/28/01.
Richard Hatch Updates - 6/23/01.
National Post Article (Features: Chris Feehan, DeSanto, and Hatch) - 6/04/01.
Aint-it-cool-news Reports Tom DeSanto not on X-Men 2 and info on BSG Models - 5/26/01.
TrekToday reports UPN may be BSG's new home! - 05/12/01.
Richard Hatch to the Rescue! - 05/01.
Biography Story w/ Richard Hatch JPG - 04/01.
Sci-Fi Weekly Hatch Interview - (4/22/01).
New Times LA Hatch Article - (4/12/01).
Cinefantastique Featured a BSG Second Coming Article (04/01).
SFX Online Article - (4/01/01).
Sci-Fi Wire Poll About the Revival (Richard got 57%) - (3/26/01).
Sci-Fi Wire "X-Men 2 Producer Not Certain" - (3/23/01).
Cinescape Story (Same as Sci-Fi Wire Article below) - (3/23/01).
Sci-Fi Wire "Galactica Gears Up" - (3/22/01).
Entertainment Weekly Print Story JPG- 3/09/01.
Computer Crows Nest Article - 3/05/01.
Entertainment Weekly Online Story - 3/03/01.
E! Online Story - 3/03/01.
Info Beat Story - 2/27/01.
Page Six Picks up on the Bryan Singer Story - 2/26/01.
IGN Sci-Fi Article - 2/26/01.
NY Post Story - 2/26/01.
Sci-Fi Wire About RH Comments - 2/26/01.
Richard Hatch Updates - 2/24/01.
Sci-Fi Wire Dan Pasternack Comments - 2/24/01.
Cinescape Reports on Interview - 2/24/01.
Fandom.com Interviews Tom DeSanto - 2/23/01.
BBC News Picks up on the Bryan Singer Story - 2/23/01.
Hollywood.com Picks up on the Bryan Singer Story - 2/22/01.
IGN Picks up on the Bryan Singer Story - 2/22/01.
Aint-it-cool-news Picks up on the Bryan Singer Story - 2/22/01.
Cinescape Picks up on the Bryan Singer Story - 2/22/01.
The Sci-Fi Wire Picks up on the Bryan Singer Story - 2/22/01.
Dark Horizons picks up on the recent Bryan Singer Story - 2/22/01.
Variety Reports Bryan Singer is working on a new Battlestar Project - 2/21/01.
Bonnie Hammer (Sci-Fi Channel VP) is Interviewed on CNN - 2/05/01.
Sci-Fi Wire Retracts Confirmation!! - 1/30/01.
Richard "Apollo" Hatch Statement - 1/28/01.
SFX (UK) picks up on the recent Sci-Fi Channel Story - 1/23/01.
Cinescape has a Poll asking "Which of the following TV shows would you like to see make the jump to theatrical feature film?", BSG is far in the lead with 51% of the vote (1355 of 2675 votes cast) - 1/23/2001
Aint-it-cool-news picks up on the recent Sci-Fi Channel Story - 1/17/01.
Red Alert message from Michael Faries! - 1/10/01
IGN Sci-Fi "Great Television Museum" BSG Feature - 1/09/01.
Universal Response from Paul Hardart to D2 (From 12/21/00)
We had our last major push of 2000 on December 2nd, 2000 called the December Deluge, thank you to all those who participated. I actually got a phone call from
Paul Hardart, the VP for Specialty Films at
Universal. He stated in a phone message, that
he had been speaking to the Television Department
and that a new BSG project was an interesting
idea. However he also said that with the current
merger it may have to stay on the Back-Burner
for a while. Still, the fact that he responded
to my December letter, and by phone, may mean
that Universal is taking notice of our efforts.
Vivendi, Seagram deal gets approval (From 12/06/00)
PARIS - Vivendi SA and Seagram Co. shareholders yesterday approved a
trans-Atlantic megadeal to create one of the world's largest
communications groups, which will boast an impressive stable of films
and music from the Universal movie and music studios.
Ninety-five percent of some 7,000 Vivendi shareholders said yes to the
$30 billion deal to create Vivendi Universal. The vote followed similar
action by Seagram shareholders in Montreal earlier in the day.
Shareholders of the third partner in the deal, Canal Plus, will vote
Friday. Vivendi holds 49 percent of Canal Plus.
The meeting was speckled with slick MTV-like compilations of the films
and music artists on the books fo the new Vivendi Universal. Among
recent films released by Universal Studios are "Gladiator" and "Dr.
Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas."
Seagram president Edgar Brnfman Jr. joined the Paris meeting by
video-link live from Montreal.
The new company will offer movies, TV programming, music,sports, games,
and educational and professional information via digital and analog
formats. The idea is to offer consumers music and films via computers,
TVs, andmobile phones-to conquer both content and distribution.
Shares in the company are due to start trading in Paris and New York on
Richard Hatch participated in an online chat on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 7:00pm U.S. Pacific Standard Time.
Latest Information from Richard Hatch - 8/29/00.
Richard Hatch Interview Part 1 at Sci-Fi.com - 8/3/00.
IGN Article : BSG Update - 7/25/00.
Dark Horizons Mention about Bonnie Hammer Chat - 7/24/00.
Battlestar.Homepage.com featured on BSG Sciography (screenshot) - 7/16/00.
BSG Sci-Fi Today Poll Results - 7/17/00.
48% for Richard Hatch's version of Galactica
39% for CGI Cylons
11% for r.i.p.
5,110 Votes were cast! Almost Double any other Poll.
DragonCon 2000 Report on Dark Horizons - 7/03/00.
Bonnie Hammer held a chat on Scifi.com on June 22nd, 2000 at 9PM (EST). The very first question was related to BSG and she had some interesting comments...
Stlfan: What chance is there in seeing a new Battlestar Galactica series on SCIFI?
BonnieHammer: Funny you should mention that.
BonnieHammer: It is something we have thought of and continue to think of.
BonnieHammer: We actually started some prelminary conversations...
Bonnie Hammer: ...However we never know where they are going to go.
BonnieHammer: So I don't want to start any false hopes out there.
BonnieHammer: However it is something we are looking in to. GA
I was very excited by the mention and the fact that it was the very first question. There were about 260 people on the chat at any given time. I spotted a lot of BSG related usernames (athena.., viper.., adama..). It is very promising, I just wish it were more definite. Click Here for a screenshot of the actual Question and Response.
BBoard Mention about recent Radio Shack Commercial 6/7/2000
Anybody else see the new Radio Shack commercial, the one where Terri gets Howie to go to the store because of free popcorn? Keep your eyes open for it. When they first show the store, check to see what's playing on the TVs. It's almost enough to make me end my personal boycott of Radio Shack! -Brie
Note: There are 2 commecials, both feature a shot of Cylon Raiders returning to a baseship on the TVs shown. I now have a clip of one of the commecial up in the Multimedia Section. - CF
Sci-Fi News of the Week (Sci-Fi Channel) Letter Writing Push Mention 3/10/2000
Fans of Battlestar Galactica are mounting a letter-writing campaign in support of actor Richard Hatch's efforts to revive the 1970s SF television series as either a feature film or a new show. Battlestar Galactica: The Battlestar Galactica Fan Club entreats fans to write Universal Studios to persuade them to give Hatch the rights to develop a new Galactica. (click link for more)
Sad new for BSG fans everywhere:
John Colicos, best known as the villain "Baltar" in the TV science fiction series "Battlestar Galactica," has died at the age of 71. Colicos died Monday (3/6/200) in Toronto after a series of heart attacks.
Latest Information from Richard Hatch - 3/05/00.
Jack "Bojay" Stauffer's Latest updates - 3/05/00.
Dark Horizons March M3 Letter Writing Push Mention 3/3/2000
Battlestar Galactica: The Battlestar Galactica Homepage is one of several sites which are launching a massive e-mail campaign to exeuctives at Universal to push them to work with Richard Hatch and attempt to revive the franchise on either the small or big screen. To find out details check the site, but remember the campaign is today so BG fans don't delay.
AICN corrected report on new Richard Hatch Preview Production - 1/20/00.
TV Guide BSG Revival mention in Cheers and Jeers - 01/15/00 Issue
Sci-Fi Wire Article with Larson 12/09/99 (Come on, IMAX?)
TV Guide Online Speaks to Jack Stauffer 12/09/99
Dark Horizons December Letter Writing Push Mention 11/30/99
Battlestar Galactica: A major mailing campaign push for Richard Hatch's "Battlestar Galactica: The Second Coming" movie gets underway tomorrow via the official site. Just click the link to help play a part in the campaign.
News Timeline: (Cinescape Online)
September 14, 1999
As one might imagine given what hes accomplished so far,
Richard Hatch has some real solid plans for what he intends to
do with Battlestar Galactica should the property get beyond
the planning stage and in front of the cameras. While talking
to SFX, Hatch revealed some details of his planned movies
story saying, "Weve been in space for twenty years
now, and a whole new generation has been born and grown up there."
"There will be a new race of Cylons chasing us - theyve
been through a Cylon War and evolved," he continues. "In
the original there were the one brain, two-brain and three brain
types. It was never really explored, but the cylons werent
completely robotic, so we really go into that, who they were
I want to update them, the originals were quite clunky, owing
to the laws of the time, you couldnt have humans being
killed on screen, so they werent a very menacing enemy."
September 13, 1999
Over the last few weeks, weve been hearing quite a bit
about the two dueling Battlestar Galactica movie projects:
one by Richard Hatch (Apollo on the original TV series) and the
Todd Moyer (Wing Commander)/Glen Larsen (Galactica
producer) version. While talking to the IGN Sci Fi website, Hatch
answered questions about the public duel going on between the
two parties. Particularly on the rights issue, Hatch revealed,
"As far as the representations by Universal to us, we've
never been told once that there was any problem or there was
anybody else that had any rights to the theatrical area. We did
research with Thompson and Thompson that shows the original copyright
of the original show in the name of Universal. There was no change
of ownership according to what we read. All my licensing deals
for the books, which update the original to twenty years in the
future, are all owned by Universal."
Regarding Moyer and Larsen, Hatch continues, "I would
love clarification because we don't have an issue here. If the
theatrical rights are not available, then fine. We'll do it as
a TV movie, a TV series or a CD-ROM
They certainly have
the right to do whatever they would like to do based on whatever
rights that they do have, and we certainly have the rights to
proceed in areas that they don't have rights to. If they want
to go do their movie and it's the Commander Cain and Pegasus
story, then how is doing the Battlestar Galactica story
with the original cast going to conflict with that? They're two
separate stories. They can do their story and we'll do ours.
There's room for both of us."
Hatch explains some of the animosity he has for the Moyer/Larsen
team saying, "I wish that they had come to us instead of
just going behind our back knowing all the work that we had done
and the relationship we had built with Universal and to Battlestar
Galactica fans all over the world. I wish that they would
have come to us and sat down with us and said how can we work
together. You accomplish ten times more working together. You
either create honesty and openness and forthrightness or you
create by what you say and do fear, trepidation and lack of integrity."
Hatch does suggest though that a peace can be made between
the parties saying, "I extend an olive branch. If they're
open to wanting to do some kind of a partnership, how wonderful.
But the truth of it is, I couldn't partner up going in the direction
of the Commander Cain and Pegasus story
I would be more
than open to work with them as long as they were open to going
back to the original vision, story and characters that followed
that line that we have done so much work on and researching the
past four or five years. Working together always brings the best
results and certainly would be a godsend. But it would also be
important that they be open to utilizing some of the gifted,
talented professionals in the industry that are willing to come
on board."
September 13, 1999
Richard Hatch is earnest in his efforts towards a Battlestar:
Galactica movie having already created a trailer that fans
are going gaga for. Still, even though Hatch has offered up an
olive branch to producers Todd Moyer and Glen Larsen, the guys
with the other Galactica project, the actor and hopeful
producer is somewhat taken aback by Moyers comments in
the past. While talking to the IGN Sci Fi website, Hatch says,
"Todd should just be a little bit more ingratiating and
forgiving because as a producer he takes chances and risks all
the time, and sometimes they pay off and sometimes they don't.
It takes courage to step out on a limb and go after something
you believe in or to put any project together. I would think
that he more than anybody would have some kind of empathy and
compassion and appreciation for me stepping out of my comfort
zone, putting together some of the most talented people in the
industry, and financing it with my own money. I'm stepping out
there to inspire Universal and the powers that be that the world
really wants to see a new Battlestar: Galactica project
that honors the original story, characters and premise. I would
think that he knows how courageous that is because he's been
there, and I would only say that I honor his courage. I would
only think that it would be appropriate for him to honor ours.
If he thinks that's just absolutely stupid and idiotic, how many
times has he gone after something that everybody said is impossible?"
August 24, 1999
Not only did fans in attendance at Richard Hatchs screening
of his Battlestar Galactica trailer at the San Diego ComicCon
International seem to have a good time, but so did Hatch and
Jack Stauffer (Bojay in the original series) as well. While talking
to TV Guide online, Hatch revealed, "I don't think I've
ever been through something so emotionally powerful in my life."
Regarding recent comments made by producer Todd Moyer dismissing
Hatchs efforts, Stauffer answers, "We're not going
to get in a verbal war. We're just two vendors pitching a contract."
Hatch, though, doesnt hold back commenting on Moyers
most recent project, Wing Commander, saying that fans
"who loved the Wing Commander game thought [about
the movie], This is the most God-awful thing to hit the
face of the Earth. And Todd said, I'm going to do
the same thing to Battlestar. So this is a fan war.
The fight started with the fans."
August 16, 1999
Producer Todd Moyer (Wing Commander) is moving ahead on
his Battlestar Galactica film and says that series veteran
Richard Hatch has no rights to it. While talking to the IGN SciFi
website, Moyer declared, "[Hatch] doesn't have the rights.
He can't do anything. We [Moyer and producer Glen Larsen] own
the rights. He can waste all his time. If he wants to waste his
own money, he can do whatever he wants, but he's not allowed
to do anything with the franchise. We own it." Moyers adds,
though, that the publicity coming from the seeming feud between
the two parties is helping him saying, "Right now, if anything
helps to stir up more interest in getting people talking about
Battlestar Galactica, I'm happy about it."
Moyer also revealed to the site that the films budget
will be in the $45-50M range with effects taking up at least
$15-17M of that. Production of the film was scheduled to start
next month with hopes of hitting a Christmas 2000 release, though
Moyer revealed the prod start has been rescheduled because "the
size of the production is huge."
August 14, 1999
Richard Hatch passionately addressed a wide number of issues
regarding his Battlestar Galactica revival series plans
in front of an enthusiastic audience Friday at the San Diego
Comic Con. Here is a quick breakdown of some of his comments:
On Talk of Galactica Being A Star Wars Ripoff:
"Everything, in a way, is a little bit of a ripoff,
because we're inspired by great things, are we not? When you
saw Star Wars didn't you start writing something or reading
other books? Didn't you come up with ideas that inspired you
to do something? When you love something it makes you want to
do something.
"Now is that a ripoff if you take an idea that you get
from something that you see? I'm sure George Lucas didn't just
live in a little hole and get this idea for Star Wars.
He was inspired by many, many, many, many books that he read.
You know, [Disney's animated ducks] Huey, Dewey and Louie kind
of remind me a little bit of Artoo Detoo. The point is [that
there's nothing wrong with] taking ideas and being inspired and
going and evolving it and developing it into something new, something
fresh. I don't care what anybody says Battlestar was something
On The Importance Of Including The Old Cast:
"Billy Mumy wanted to bring back Lost In Space
[a few years ago]. For two years, three years he kept going to
the studios, going everywhere, to bring back that show. Well,
he finally got them excited, finally woke them up, shook them
out of their lethargy, got them really excited about [the project]
and then the went and made it. Without him. Now the problem is,
as with all things, nobody wants to think something was successful
because of what was. Nobody wants to think their project was
successful because of the cast or the story. They want to think
that something was successful because it came from them. They
made it over in their own image and likeness. It's their thing.
So that's fine. I think somebody should do their thing and be
successful at it and be proud of it. But you cannot sit there
and [discard] the wonderful things that we all love ... it's
like ripping the heart out of a story and then making it over
in your own image and likeness and putting the same title on
it and then you, the fan, comes and sees a remake of a movie
and you feel ripped off, do you not? When you see the very thing
that you loved about that show destroyed?"
On His Right To Revive Galactica:
"Now nobody has the quintessential vision for anything.
There are so many people, thank God, so many wonderful writers
and creative artists have seen the show and they have their own
ideas and their own visions and their own way of looking at it.
And every single one of them is right. Nobody is right [in claiming]
one of them has only THE way.
"Who am I to step up and do this? I've had people say
that, 'Who are you, Richard Hatch? Who are you?' I say back to
them, 'You know who I am? I am you. And you have the right to
step out and go after something you believe in. You have the
right to embrace your ideas, your vision, and go for it. You
have the right to step up, and when you do that everybody who
is not stepping out after their vision, everyone that doesn't
have the courage to go forth, is going to try to shoot you down.
They are going to try to level you because it is scary when anybody
breaks out of the status quo and goes for their dream.
"The biggest thing I have learned is that you think everyone
is going to support you and then you find out that everyone is
ready to try to take a potshot at you. And friends are doing
it. Everybody is coming at you with their fear, with their own
fear of failure."
On Why People Still Love The Show:
"It makes perfect sense to me. Because this show had a heart.
It had a spirit. It wasn't just special effects. It really tapped
in to the human spirit; overcoming incredible odds to do incredible
things. We are asked to do incredible things in this world and
face our fear. So I finally said, 'This show deserves a real
second chance. It deserves a chance, a terrain, a topography
that now is receptive to science fiction.'"
On Glen Larsen's Galactica Project:
"There's very sensitive negotiations going on right now.
There's a lot of confusion at Universal in terms of the legalities,
the rights. You have no idea of the position that Universal is
in right now. I don't think they ever expected to do anything
with Battlestar.
"When we started bringing this back three years ago nobody
was interested in Battlestar. We went from meeting to
meeting to meeting to meeting talking about it, pitching it.
I met with so many people at Universal, but you finally realize
that you are meeting with a lot of people but it's like leading
you in Alice In Wonderland. You wonder where it's going
and who has the final decision making power.
"And then we discovered that Universal was not even clear
on their rights. It was not clear about who had what [rights].
There's a relationship between [USA network/Sci-Fi Channel honcho]
Barry Diller's company and Universal in terms of the old show
being possibly the auspices of Universal and the new show being
the auspices of Barry Diller's company for TV. Theatrically,
the information that we got -- we don't know if it is definitive
-- was basically that Universal has the rights to the theatrical
"Then Glen Larsen and Todd Moyer enter the picture in
about February. And the funny part of it is that Glen had met
with me a year earlier and I told him about what we were doing
and he had told me from his heart, sitting there having a wonderful
dinner after we did a thing for the Sci-Fi Channel ... he told
me that, 'I sold all my rights to Universal' and he told me that
he was not in a position to do it at that time. Now, I don't
know what that meant. All I know is that he was not in a position
to go forward at that time. We were willing and ready to go forward
at that time and then about several months later Todd Moyer came
to me, sent me a fax, said to me, 'I did Wing Commander,
I did a project in Luxembourg and it's coming out in three months
and it's this great movie, Wing Commander, and I can do
this and this and this', he says, 'I can open doors for you at
Universal. I can put the deal together, the money, everything.'
After listening to him, I said, 'Okay, fine, I'll have a meeting
with you Monday or Tuesday.' I was a little bit, just a little,
nervous because it sounded like he was more interested in the
deal then in the heart of the show. But I was still willing to
meet with him because you need a strong business relationship
... so I wanted to meet with him but I never got the phone call.
Never got the meeting. Never heard any more from Todd Moyer until
three months later and there was a big ad in the trades saying
that Glen Larsen and Todd Moyer were doing a new Battlestar
Galactica movie.
"I will say I'm not in competition with anybody. I think
there's room for everybody in this universe and world. As far
as I know they are doing the Commander Cain and Pegasus story,
and what I really want to do is I want to bring back the heart
of Battlestar with the original Battlestar Galactica
cast and crew."
August 14, 1999
Richard Hatch, who played Commander Apollo on the Battlestar
Galactica series and is now spearheading an effort to breathe
live back into the show, screened a new extended version of the
trailer for his Battlestar Galactica: Second Coming project
in San Diego Friday. Much to their surprise, Cinescape staffers
in attendance were quiet impressed with what Hatch and his crew
put together. Though the acting seemed a bit over the top and
the CGI at times was a bit cheesy, I'm told the teaser effectively
evokes a sense of nostalgia for the old show while at the same
time whetting the appetite for further adventures. Considering
the quality of some of the genre shows on TV today, the Cinescape
staffers at the viewing came away with the feeling that Hatch's
concept deserves a serious shot at development. Hopefully it
will be uploaded to the Battlestar Galactica site sometime in the future, but for now
it was explained that issues involving the Screen Actor's Guild
have made distribution of the teaser impossible.
April 8, 1999
Battlestar Galactica star Richard Hatch is shooting down
recent stories of a new movie based on the 70s TV series.
In a press release issued days after the announcement of the
movie in Variety, Hatchs website dismissed the Todd Moyer
(Wing Commander) project saying, "Rumors like the
one that circulated within the last few days have been part of
the Galactica reality for years. Ive been privy
to many including this one, they seem to have a life of their
own. Once in awhile they are the result of some scrap of truth
but not often. My contacts at Universal have stated that Galactica
is still owned by Universal and that no other deal has been consummated."
Hatch continues, "I strongly believe that the most powerful
way to keep the legend alive into the new millennium is to infuse
the original concept, story, and characters with a fresh new
generation of actors; modern effects and visuals; and solid,
thoughtful scripts."
Hatchs press release also quotes an unnamed producer
saying, "When I heard today the rumor (of another Galactica
film in production) it was during lunch with one of two investors
interested in backing the entire project. As far as Richard is
concerned, the only missing piece needed for a green light is
how will distribution be handled. The other purported group has
not contacted any of the actors or creatives from the original
series. The cache value of having most of the original cast in
a film remake is priceless. To create the film otherwise would
trivialize it and would yield something entirely different from
what the fans are asking for. Any project of this sort needs
to pay more than passing homage to the original, if not, I know
I would feel cheated. Richard IS, without question, the current
heart and soul of Galactica as ANY of the shows
followers can tell you. His drive and love of the project is
The Mr. Showbiz website reports that Moyers take on
the TV concept is said to be based on a concept that Galactica
producer Glen Larsen may have the rights to, in part, that would
deal with the tangential character Commander Cain and his Battlestar
Pegasus spacecraft.
March 18, 1999
Sounds like the Battlestar: Galactica movie might not
be exactly like the old TV series. What plans does producer Todd
Moyer (Wing Commander) have for a new big screen version
of the 70s TV series? While talking to the New York Post,
Moyer gave some tantalizing details of Galactica to come...
and when we'll see it.
Moyer revealed that the new movie would have similar ideas
and themes as the original series including some old characters,
though he doesnt say who would be playing those parts.
In addition, Moyer also said the film would introduce new characters
as well as the discovery of another "lost" Battlestar
ship called Atlantis. "We just think the [story] has to
be re-invented," explains the producer.
Moyer also revealed that he hopes to have the film ready in
time to hit theaters for Christmas 2000.
March 10, 1999
It is fitting that the re-birth of Battlestar Galactica,
which was spawned in the wake of Star Wars, has been announced
only months before the premiere of The Phantom Menace.
Confirming recent rumors, Variety reports today that a $40 million
big screen version of Galactica will start filming in
Luxembourg come September.
The premise was of the show was basic: In the far-off reaches
of space, humans are on the run from an evil, robotic race called
"The Cylons," who are led by an organic, shadowy Imperious
Leader. The remnants of humanity load up all the spacecraft they
have and head off into space to find a fabled promised land:
Earth. On the way, they do battle with Cylon forces that are
always nipping at their heels, though they do occasionally encounter
other alien lifeforms as well. The movie will not be a remake
of the TV series, but will instead pick up where Battlestar left
off, telling the tale of Commander Cain's (played by the late
Lloyd Bridges on the show) quest to locate the Galactica as well
as find the lost tribe of humans who are said to have fled to
a distant, mythical planet called Earth.
Series creator Glen A. Larson will produce with Wing Commander's
Todd Moyer, from a script by Mike Finch, one of the Wing Commander
scribes. No studio is attached to the project as yet.
Older article from "Cinefantastique":
"In March, Glen Larson, Creator-Producer of the original series (Battlestar
Galactica, of course!...my note.), & Todd Moyer, producer of Wing
Commander, issued a press release regarding a planned Movie. (PS: It now appears
Larson is pushing for an IMAX project (Come on)).
The article went on to say that Richard has a finished script, a completed
promo film, current relations with Universal Studios, strong ties to the
fan community, & links to to the original series stars...
There's more to the article than that...but those are the highlights! (P.S.
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace's Darth Maul is on the cover!)
Also try Coming Attractions at:
This will take you to the Battlestar Galactica listing. There are more article(s) at the
bottom of the page.
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