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Report from DragonCon '99!
From Left to Right :BGR (ME), SCIFITOY, BSGDAN, Jack "Bojay" Stauffer, Charybdis (Al), Richard "Apollo" Hatch
The trailer makes it's premier!
Take it from me...the fans went wild!
While the special effects were exciting...the biggest rounds of applause came
at the sight of the original cast members! (big clue there!)
I have the feeling that many more Con goers will have the pleasure of
seeing the trailer preview in upcoming months!
A Report from the GoMainLine Expo!
The BG guests there were none other than Richard Hatch, Jack Stauffer, Dirk
Benedict, John Colicos, Anne Lockhart & Herb Jefferson, Jr.!
Everyone was in fine form for this one! Between Richard, Jack, Dirk, John,
Anne & Herb a VERY good show came together!
Richard managed to show the trailer four times over the weekend...each time
to a foot-stamping, applauding (& yes with standing ovations) crowd!
GoMainLine Con 8/99!
Report by Chris Feehan (CureMode)
From Left to Right :Herb Jefferson Jr. (Boomer), Anne Lockhart (Sheba), Dirk Benedict (Starbuck),
John Colicos (Baltar), Richard Hatch (Apollo), and Jack Stauffer (Bojay).
I recently attended the GoMainLine Battlestar Galactica Convention in Fort Washington, PA on August 28th and 29th. It was a legendary event featuring 6 main cast members from the original show and Richard Hatch's Revival presentation and updated trailer. The attendees were
Richard Hatch (Apollo),
Dirk Benedict (Starbuck),
John Colicos (Baltar),
Herb Jefferson Jr. (Boomer),
Anne Lockhart (Sheba), and
Jack Stauffer (Bojay)
. They were all available to chat, take photos, and sign autographs both days and they were all incredible to meet. This was the first time this many principal characters were assembled at one time and the fans could not get enough. Both days a panel was held with all of them in a question and answer session, they told stories and answered questions about their experiences on the show and their other projects since. It was almost overwhelming to me to meet my childhood heroes and hear their perspective on the show. Some of the interesting topics included how they were cast, funny behind the scene stories, other projects they have worked on, and some of their experiences while on the show. They also answered questions one on one at the autograph tables and took pictures with all the fans that attended.
The Gomainline convention was an incredible experience and left attendees more excited then ever before about the possibility of a new Battlestar Galactica project. I enjoyed meeting all the guests and getting to ask them all types of questions. I also met up with many other revival supporters who feel the same way I do and support Mr. Hatch's project. Many of the people I met up with were from the Sci-Fi Channel Battlestar Galactica BBOARD and the Battlestar Callisto crew. They included BGR, BSGDAN, Brie, Scifitoy, and SiressEden. It was great to see them for the first times face to face and I think we all agreed that the convention was a huge success. I have the 40 digital photos up on my revival site, so please check them out. I think that Mr. Hatch was right on the mark with what the fans want to see. I'm sure with the fan's support, Mr. Hatch will be successful in achieving the "Second Coming".
Chris Feehan
[email protected]
Some Shots of Richard Hatch, Sophie La Porte, and Shawn O'Donnell at the GoMainLine Convention...