Main Page
Introduction to BSG Resurrection.
News Flashes!
The latest news and Info about the BSG Revival.
Mail Campaign
How to help and where to write.
Flyer Info
Printable Revival Flyer for distribution.
Additional Info
Additional Information about BSG, BBoards, and online Chats.
Convention Reports
Reports and information from recent BSG conventions.
Special Features
Featured guests and artists from the BSG community.
Bojay's Corner
Page devoted to Jack "Bojay" Stauffer.
Other Resources
Useful links about BSG and the Revival.
Battlestar Galactica is Back on Sci-Fi
Watch for Battlestar Galactica returning to Sci-Fi Channel
schedule Sundays at 9AM beginning January 9th, 2000.
BSG Program Schedule (EST)
The official Sci-Fi Channel BSG BBoard
is where you can find the latest news and rumors and discuss the show. Below is a group shot of
some of the BBoard folks who met up at the GoMainLine
Convention (8/99).
From Left to Right : SiressEden, CFeehan (CureMode), Richard Hatch, BSGDAN, SCIFITOY, Brie, BGR (ME)
The official chat is at 10:30 P.M. (EST) on Tuesdays..come & talk with us! Go to
Dominion Chat... then
look for the Battlestar Room (#Battlestar) & there we'll be!
The official chat is at 7:00 P.M. (EST) on Thursdays..come & talk with us! Go to
Dominion Chat... then
look for the Battlestar Room (#Battlestar)! The Battlestar Callisto is a great online
BSG club and most of the members post on the Sci-Fi Channel BBoard frequently. For more
info on the Callisto click on the link below.
FYI! For those that may have linked up from different sources...please take
a moment...AFTER YOU'VE READ OUR WEB PAGE!...& have a look at
BattlestarGalactica.com and
I think you'll agree that they are both very informative
& intelligent sites...and they look GREAT! (See the banner on the Other Resources page)!
A warm welcome to The Battlestar Fan Club...
Chris Feehan ([email protected]) has done a fine job on his site, and he has Revival info as well as a ton of BSG content .
He has also been a great help in the re-design of my page and in helping me keep it updated. (See his banner on the Other Resources page)!