Battlestar Galactica: Resurrection recently spoke with sci-fi CGI artist Don "Titon" Bergren about his work and his thoughts regarding Battlestar Galactica. His CGI project Battlestar Galactica : The Millenia is featured on various BSG websites including the and the Battlestar Callisto.
BGR: What are your first recollections of Battlestar Galactica?
DB: I was 13 at the time and knew nothing about a show called Battlestar Galactica coming to TV. I in fact
stumbled upon it by mistake while watching King Kong. It aired the same night as Galactica premiered but like I said I caught it merely by changing channels when the news interrupted with the hostage situation. I was babysitting my niece and nephew when the President came on. I started clicking through the channels to see if it was on all the stations, which of course it was. I then went into the kitchen, when I came back there was this epic space battle on the TV. I had not realized that I left the TV tuned to ABC instead of NBC where I was watching King Kong. So it's fair to say from that point on King Kong was no longer my interest. I have been hooked ever since.
BGR: What makes you passionate about the revival of the show?
DB: The untold story. It's like opening a book, reading the first few chapters, putting it down and never picking it up again. Battlestar Galactica from the beginning was a wonderful, entertaining show that never had a chance to conclude what was begun. The powers that be someday will eventually come to this conclusion and we will see this great epic resurrected. Hopefully sooner than later.
BGR: Do you have a particularly favorite episode, and why?
DB: Well to be honest with you, and some may beg to differ, I liked them all. But the living legend stands out as my overall favorite episode. All aspects of a television show that could have been explored were. Passion, power struggles, surprises, victories, and defeats. All in all two of the finest hours of Battlestar Galactica ever produced.
BGR: Favorite character and why?
DB: I guess I have never really thought that I had a favorite character. I was intrigued by them all. If I was to be pinned down about it, and I can't believe that I am going to say this but if I have to I guess it would have to be Starbuck. There I said it. Brie is going to love this. Starbuck was like that cowboy you see in the classic westerns. He was out of control sometimes, willing to take risks and of course the best damn fighter pilot in the fleet. Oh and he could win a card game or two as well. But overall the characters that really stood out to me were of course the cylons. An enemy not seen in many sci-fi series. Unless of course you look at the borg, but with the borg you have seen more than once in Star Trek they can have compassion. The cylons do not. With the cylons extermination was the only thing they new. No middle ground what so ever. That is what made them such a menacing enemy.
BGR: Your known for you computer modeling skills...tell us about would you?
DB: About a year ago I was surfing the net when I stumbled across a website, I became instantly hooked. People like myself, ordinary individuals, were producing computer-generated movies with a program called Lightwave. Lightwave is a computer 3d modeling and animation program used by many of today's industry professionals. Used in such tv shows as Star Trek Voyager, Babylon 5, Farscape, the m&m commercials, and so on. But such a program comes with a steep price tag. I had came to the conclusion that it was to high a price to pay for a hobby. Up until the day I had seen a Battlestar Galactica animation by David Moss. Incredible. Well the rest as they say is history. I began saving my pennies and invested in Lightwave 5.6. If you are wondering the current going price for Lightwave 6.0 is $2500.00. So you can see why I had reservations about purchasing this package. Plus it's not something you get and over night you know exactly how to make these cgi's. It takes time and patients. Lots of it. Some have been at it with this program for years and still are learning the fundamentals of this incredible program. I learn something different everyday that makes what you see, with every production, an increase in overall quality.
BGR: What are your favorite renderings?
DB: I have a lot that have not been released as of yet that I love. I am currently working on establishing a more up to date website where I will be able to display more of my work. A collection of my best work is currently in the upcoming release of Millenia part 2 that hopefully will be ready by the first part of May.
Stay tuned.
BGR: Do you have a web site?
DB: Currently I have a homepage at Many thanks to Chris Feehan ([email protected]) for the help putting a page together for me. He has done a tremendous job in doing so. Check out his revival site at He does excellent work. I hope to eventually update and expand the site in order to include more revival information and more of my work. You can check out the present site as it stands now at . Some of my renderings and screen shots from the cgi movie Millenia are currently in place.
BGR: We'd like to know more about the online Battlestar Galactica movie you've
put together, can you tell us about that?
DB: The original story was penned by a man named Adam Stacey. Mister Stacey as numerous fan-fic stories based on the Galactica universe and is very talented in writing these intriguing storylines. The story revolves around Commander Cain and of course the Battlestar Pegasus. The premise is that Cain and the Pegasus did indeed survive the attack on the Cylon baseships at Gomoray. After destroying the first two baseships the heavily damaged Pegasus sets course for deep space away from the last baseship commanded by Balter. Which is in utter shock that they have lost 2 baseships to a single Battlestar. After repairing her damage Cain and the Pegasus with an unknown secret return once again to as Cain puts in best "wreak havoc on those gal mongin cylons". More of the storyline can be accessed either at my site and also on the Battlestar Callisto website.
BGR: What were the main challenges for you getting that done?
DB: Special effects. In other words explosions, laser effects and the other such pyrotechnic details associated with such a movie. Lightwave itself is an extremely creative and innovative program with everything that you would need to produce a Hollywood epic. But you have to know how to incorporate real world influences with computer generated instances. Basically blending live video and such with the computer generated movie in order to blend cgi with realism. Something that I am only now getting the hang of. This will become apparent with the next installment of Millenia. The effects and pyrotechnics along with overall realism will be plainly different in part 2. At least I think they will be. I have been working extensively on the effects portion of Millenia in order to give the viewer a better sense of depth. I want the effects to jump out and grab the viewer and leave them with the sense of wanting to see more. That is the challenge. Anyone can take a model and animate it, but making it look and feel real is the challenge. I hope I am on the threshold. Stay tuned.
BGR: Do you think the movie will help excite people about the revival?
DB: That is my hope. Like I said special effects and pyrotechnics along with realism is what people remember. In other words the big bang. And yes a compelling story which I do believe this is. To my knowledge no one has attempted to bring the cgi world of Battlestar Galactica together in a storyline. Of course there has been excellent installment of short avi's but never a storyline. My intention was to take it as far as I could, not just a single avi but a series of short episodes if you like. Not just a big explosion and nothing after. I hope to make something that people can't wait to see the next installment. I have been working with Rick (Cain) Joy ([email protected]) who runs the Battlestar Callisto website. He has graciously provided extensive website space in order to put up the large avi files for download. In fact he just finished securing additional webspace for the avi's. Chris Feehan ([email protected]) who runs the Battlestar Homepage has also worked hard in helping us along with our endeavors. A big thanks to both of them. Some are probably wondering how the Galactica will come to be in the series. Don't worry that has already been taken care of. The Galactica and her fleet will soon be making an appearance as well as the next great Battlester, The Callisto. Along with her online bboard crews from Black and Gold Squadron and some of there voices. That's when the fun starts. Can't wait. Should be exciting.
BGR: Do you plan to make more online films?
DB: Someday. But currently I will continue with the Millenia storyline as well as integrating the Callisto and her crew. If at some point people no longer show interest we will move onto something different. But we are just getting started. Time will tell.
BGR: When Battlestar Galactica gets revived... what direction would you like to
see it take?
DB: I have one name for you - Richard Hatch. He in my opinion is the only legitimate person to bring back Battlestar Galactica. As a matter of fact the only one that should be period. If others that are making an attempt at this moment succeed than my opinion is this. Leave it alone. Let me have the memories of what was over what I may see. Walking Vipers? Not Battlestar Galactica. Richard has explained numerous times on what his vision would be for a resurrected series. I tend to agree with him. If mister Hatch is truly green lighted with his vision I sincerely believe that we may finally get answers to many of the question unanswered by the premature departure of Battlestar Galactica. To me Galactica can only survive if the original content is adhered to. Changing it would finally put the proverbial nail in the coffin. So please support the real revival and back Richard Hatch and his vision of the Second Coming.
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