Battlestar Galactica: Resurrection recently spoke with Charles "Chaz" Self about his work on the revival effort, his website, and his thoughts regarding Battlestar Galactica. His BSG website GALACTICA BY CHAZ, features a section devoted to the revival and it includes Addresses, Flags, Photos, Information, and more. He has been working on a Book as well as a series of Colonial Flags. He has been active in the revival effort hopes that BSG returns with Richard Hatch at the controls.
BGR: What was your inspiration for setting up a
Battlestar Galactica site?
CS: It wasn't until I had begun the first few chapters of my Galactica book
that I really decided to renovate my page to reflect my interest in
Battlestar Galactica. I had watched the Battlestar Galactithon on the
Sci-Fi Channel a couple of years earlier and had not stopped thinking about
the show since. So, with my interest in the original series combined with
my interest in the development of my book occupying so many of my thoughts,
it seemed natural to me that my web page should deal with the same topic.
BGR: What has been your best far...with the
CS: My best moments are by far the wonderful complements that people have
sent to me about the site as a whole as well as about what they thought of
my Book. After all, they are the ones I put the site up for.
BGR: What do you feel inspires people so much about
Galactica and its concepts?
CS: It is an epic of the human experience. There is so much about the
plight of the colonial survivors that connects to the situation of groups
today as well as those throughout history. We cheer for the underdog who
fights to survive in the face of overwhelming odds. Another thing that
people like so much about Galactica is the fact that the "bad guys" are
completely bad, while the "good guys" are more difficult to explain when
constricted to using just black and white. There is plenty of gray area to
be found in some of the characters that adds a sense of reality to the
BGR: Do you personally have a favorite episode of the
show...and why?
CS: Actually I have three episodes that I could pick out as being my
favorites. The first episode would be Lost Planet of the Gods. That was
the episode that most firmly tied our legends into the history of the
colonials. Little is said about what happened on Kobol that caused the
planet to die, and that leaves it to us to speculate about what we think
the reasons were. The next episode would have to be The Living Legend.
There is no way that this episode could help becoming a legend unto itself.
It was just such a monumental event for the fleet to discover that there
was another part of the colonial society that had survived. That was made
even more dramatic by the fact that Commander Cain was leading that group.
The internal struggle for command was played beautifully alongside the
fight against the Cylons. The third episode that I identify as a favorite
is Experiment in Terra. It was nice to see the fleet encounter a fairly
sophisticated society for a change. Every other planet they visited was
home to fairly primitive societies compared to that of the colonies. I
also like the way the point was made concerning the conflict between the
Nationalists and the Eastern Alliance. It was an obvious parallel drawn to
the conflict that the cold war brought us to the brink of on a few
BGR: You've been writing a Galactica book that you've
had online for a while now...can you tell us more
about that?
CS: Well, I started thinking about the possibility of a Battlestar
Galactica book way back in 1990 just before I was set to graduate from high
school. It wasn't until the end of 1996 that I actually wrote down the
first words of the book. Actually, the first chapter I wrote wasn't meant
to be the first chapter of the book itself, but was supposed to be the text
of a document that the colonials would find that recounted the early
history of Kobol and the events leading up to the exodus. At the time I
had no idea how much of the book I would write before I came to the place
where that chapter would be inserted, and even now that the book is over
110 pages long on a regular sized sheet of paper it is still not near where
it will be put in. Other than that first chapter, I had written about
eighty pages when disaster struck. The computer I was writing the book on
decided to erase the entire file one night. All I was left with were the
first nineteen pages that I had printed out early on during the writing. I
was so discouraged I almost gave up and scrapped the entire project for
good, but eventually started with those first few pages and began to slowly
reconstruct the story. I think I probably condensed what had covered those
eighty pages before into around thirty or forty since it was so frustrating
trying to recapture the same feel in the work that I had before. So far in
the book, I have used mainly the characters from the original show although
most are in different positions since I have also marked the same passage
of time that has gone by since the series went off of the air. There are a
few new characters of course, but the majority of the story is centered
around Apollo and those in his circle of friends.
BGR: What have you done to capture the feel of the
CS: I've tried to show some of the internal thoughts and feelings of the
characters in the writing, as well as developing strong relationships that
the characters express externally through words or actions. In my book,
Apollo is the commander and Sheba is his colonel, so they struggle to keep
their relationship a secret. Starbuck and Cassie are more of an item than
ever even though Starbuck still enjoys starting rumors about his escapades.
Boxy, who has grown up to become colonial warrior, meets and falls in
love with a young woman. The council is up to its usual misguided antics
until Apollo puts them in their place and sends them packing. Baltar is
back and just as mean as ever. Apollo is developing abilities he never
knew he had, and Starbuck becomes more responsible than anyone ever thought
possible. A new viper is on the way as well.
BGR: You've also been working on some original flag
designing for the Colonies...what inspired you to go
in that direction?
CS: Actually, if I had not sat down to watch TV at the exact moment that I
did one day the idea may have never come to me. I had been on the computer
trying to finish off a new chapter of my book and decided to take a break
from it for a while. I was still thinking about Battlestar Galactica when
I looked up at the TV to see a shot outside the U.N. showing the flags of
all of the countries flying. That made me wonder if the colonies were
represented by flags as well. I remembered the row of flags flying behind
Serina in Saga of a Star World as she was giving her news report. I went
over and pulled out that tape and started watching it. What I saw was that
the flags were there, but none of them could be seen clearly enough to
glean any details from them. I eventually scanned through every episode
and discovered that even though flags were often present, none were ever
displayed prominently enough. I did get a partial look at some at the
ceremony at the beginning of Take the Celestra, but even those were mostly
obscured and I had no way of knowing what they were meant to represent.
They may have been flags for the colonies, but there were only a few of
them so I guessed that they were likely just ceremonial flags representing
different military groups. I e-mailed several people and asked them if
they knew of any flag designs that had already been done and everyone told
me that they did not know of any. So, I decided to give it a try.
BGR: Are you basing any of them on any original concepts
from the show...or are you drawing them mostly from
the obvious connection that the names of the Colonial
Home Worlds have with the Zodiac, i.e. Caprica,
Capricorn...Leonis, Leo etc.?
CS: I am trying to use as much information from the original series as
possible, but there is actually very little information divulged in the
show about any of the colonies other than Caprica. I have found some
information about the colonies on the internet that people learned from
reading the books that went along with the series. I am incorporating
information linked to the corresponding signs of the zodiac in the designs
as well. Most of the background colors for the flags are taken from the
official color assigned to each zodiac sign, and some of the flags have
symbols on them that are derived directly from the sign. The flag for
Aquaria uses just such a symbol, but it is a symbol of my own design and
not one that was taken directly from a preformed image dealing with the
sign. I have also done research into Egyptian, Mayan, Native American, and
Mesopotamian histories to find elements that could be used.
BGR: What future involvement would you like to have in
regards to Battlestar Galactica's development?
CS: Well, like everyone else, I am hoping that Universal can settle any
disputes as to who has the rights to Battlestar Galactica. I don't think
there is any way at this point that they can help but realize what a broad
base of fan support lies behind the revival effort. Once the revival
actually starts as either a new movie, series or both, I am willing to play
any role that I may be able to fill to continue my support of Battlestar
Galactica. If no role of direct involvement such as that should arise for
me then I will certainly continue the work on my book and my web site.
Since I have a degree in theatre that I am not doing much with right now I
have been thinking of writing a new play about the Galactica universe. I
actually have already started working on the designs for what would be a
very complicated series of sets. So, I'll just have to wait and see what
the future may hold.
BGR: What opinions do you have about fan support vis a
vis the revival?
CS: I think it is wonderful to know that there are so many people out there
who, like myself, would like to see the return of Battlestar Galactica. I
think that Universal may have gone ahead and allowed Glen Larson to
continue his movie project if the fans had not made them understand that
the vast majority of us want to see the show return featuring the same
original cast members who first captured out imagination. Hopefully, they
will soon give Richard permission to move forward on his project since it
is what we have all been asking for.
BGR: What do you see regarding the future of Battlestar
CS: The writing is on the wall. We just have to wait for Universal to open
the door so the world can read it. Once that happens I think Battlestar
Galactica will be on the minds of sci-fi fans for some time to come.
BGR: What advice do you have for anyone setting up a
Battlestar Galactica web site?
CS: Three words: DO YOUR HOMEWORK. When I started my page I didn't have
any idea that there were so many other Galactica sites out there. Once I
discovered it, I found it very useful to explore as many of those pages as
possible and see what it was that everyone else was doing. From that you
can pick out the things about those pages that you like and the things that
you don't. You may want to include some of the same types of things on
your page, but don't try to make it a carbon copy of any other site. Try
to find something that the other sites have little of or something that
they don't have at all that you think should be there and build that into
your page. Maybe the thing that will tell you if you are getting it right
or not will be the comments that people send to you about the page. Have
fun with it! Good Luck!