BSG actors and actresses


H E L L O !

Battlestar Galactica: Resurrection is a fan based web site specializing in the resurrection of the beloved 1970s science fiction television program, Battlestar Galactica.

Our mission is simple:

    * Spread awareness about Battlestar Galactica's planned return.

    * Provide an overview on the production efforts and why you should support Richard (Captain Apollo) Hatch's efforts.

    * Explain how YOU can get involved!

Welcome to our web site.

Help us make history.
Launch All Vipers!!!

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Copyright (c) 1998-2001, This site is owned and operated by Shawn O'Donnell ( ). Site re-design by Chris Feehan ( / Battlestar Galactica is copyright (c) 1978 Universal Studios. All rights reserved.

Number of fellow Battlestar Galactica fans
who have visited our site.

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